Okay so I must admit; I never really liked Brussels sprouts. It’s one
of those veggies you know you should really eat more of, but just thinking
about the taste is enough to make you shriek. I love cabbage, and even though
Brussels sprouts is part of the cabbage family I just couldn’t ever get over
that bitter taste.
Brussels sprout is a fantastic veggie, jam-packed with vitamin A and K.
When steamed it could be beneficial to lower one’s cholesterol (big plus for me). The
glucosinolate found in Brussels sprouts is also regarded as a cancer-preventive
component (please google this for more information). It is a great veggie
to have in one’s diet.
Thanks to a lovely Italian lady my dislike in Brussels sprouts was
cured, I now love eating this veggie and I hope you’ll try it too!

Next you need to steam it for about 15min. If you do not have a
steamer, cook it in boiling water for 2min, remove from the heat and strain the
water, this removes the bitterness. Next boil again for about 10 minutes in
salted water with a touch of lemon juice. The lemon juice helps to keep the bright green colour. The sprouts should still hold form but should be soft in the
centre. Do not over cook.
Now you will have tasty Brussels sprouts! You could obviously have it just like this, but I like to spice it up. Here's my recipe for a tasty Brussels Sprout side dish.
300g cooked Brussels sprouts
1 large onion chopped into cubes
1 clove of garlic crushed
5ml Butter
Salt and pepper
Sweat the onion and garlic together,
When it starts turning translucent add the
Brussels sprouts,
Add the butter and salt and pepper to taste
Serve this dish warm, it is great for a Sunday lunch. Let me know how
it turned out J
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